Airstream Ranch, Florida

As I tell people about my book all over the country, I get a lot of great feedback on places to go. This was no different when John and I were down in Florida near New Port Richey celebrating his mom’s 90th birthday with his family. One of his friends mentioned Airstream Ranch, which is […]

Tom Schabarum on BookReads Radio

Tom Schabarum on BookReads Radio Here is an interview done shortly after I published Airstreaming on Book Reads Blogtalk radio in which the host, TK McEachin compares the writing to that of John Steinbeck, which left me momentarily speechless. Enjoy. It was a great opportunity and wonderful experience.

Originally posted on Indie Reviews:
If I were to choose a theme to characterise my reading year in 2012 it would be the year of the debut and independent author. The majority of books I read either for my own pleasure or specifically for review were by first time and/or predominantly self-published authors. While self-publishing…