Airstreaming Amazon Reviews

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Every once in awhile I check to see if anyone has written a review or even bought the book. It’s crazy to think you have work out there that people will read, let alone that it moves them to write something nice about a novel you spent years writing. Sometimes, I wish I’d taken this book the traditional way of publication, but I’d felt that time was running out when I turned fifty, and I feel that more acutely now. Whatever you feel about Amazon, they do provide a platform for writers to get their work out. The quality of the writing varies widely, but who are we to judge? People have spent years (or not) on a personal journey, a way to make ends meet, or just the chance to do something creative when their other jobs are mind-numbing.

So I’m grateful to those who’ve written about my books, taken those few minutes to let me know how they felt, or how I made them feel. Here’s a sampling

Thank you!

“Airstreaming is a literary accomplishment that deserves much recognition. The characters are introduced and then become intertwined as the multi-layered onion of their inner secrets and demons is slowly peeled back. It is a very emotional book where you feel the personal challenges of the characters and root for their success. These successes don’t always come and when they do come they are not quite what we expected. Airstreaming confronts issues of societal taboo and presents them in the same slow, often incomplete way knowledge of these matters comes to us in real life. The story telling pulls the reader into the book and forces us to make our own assumptions without having the complete set of facts that we would like. This style not only delivers the story but causes us to think about our own believes and experiences. I look forward to reading more work by Tom Schabarum.” – Michael

“As someone from the Midwest, growing up during that timeline, the book beautifully captured the feeling of small town life and the people who lived there. As others have said, this book is all about loss, not the sort that makes headline news but the real, every day kind that grinds you down and doesn’t seem to have a happy ending. His characters are finely drawn, they are believable but you don’t often see what’s coming next–which I always appreciate when an author can do this–it keeps you turning the pages to see what’s coming next.

I highly recommend this book, it isn’t a ‘fast’ read, you’ll want to go slowly to take it in and you’ll be glad you did. I plan on getting his other books, his is a voice you don’t often find which makes it all the more rewarding.” – Amazon Customer

“Instead of “streaming” I was “RVing” when I saw a beautiful airstream with this book cover on the side. Intrigued, I downloaded the book. After reading only a few chapters, I downloaded his other two books as well, he is that good of an author! If you like good storytelling without all the extra sex fluff like me, then you are going to love this author! I can’t wait for another book where this one left off! I’m waiting Tom!” – Ed Bunker RV

I bought this book after reading the author’s previous book “The Palisides” (also a great read). The story was character-driven and the characters were real, facing real problems. What I loved most about the book was that they were all going through something difficult — stuff that was very relatable and identifiable. How their paths and stories intertwined is what makes this book so special. Read it… you won’t regret it. And check out The Palisades as well. – A. Gaglione

There are many other reviews and I thank all those who submitted.

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